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Development Timeline

Initial Development

Ideation Phase

Idea for Deck of Adventures and initial decision to use playing cards.

Core Development

Started GitHub Repo and initial foundation of the core ruleset.


Developed the First Target Card System, developed a series of intro Adventures to test.

Alpha Development Feedback - HERE AS OF JUNE 2022

Building the core ruleset and refining ahead of Beta using Alpha Test Feedback.

Beta Testing & Feedback

Closed Beta

Testing the core ruleset across a variety of pre-defined Adventures, without Custom Character Creation.

Open Beta

Any GM can run the core game, and the beginning of testing Custom Character Creation Mechanics.

Beta Development Feedback

Implementing the Beta Test Feedback ahead of the launch.

Public Launch


Preparing Website and Community to launch and ongoing support for players.


Public-facing launch of Website, Game, and initial set of Adventures.


Ongoing Development

Continue supporting players and refining the core mechanics, plus develop new Adventure Modules.