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  • AR, Armor Range: How difficult is it to wound this thing during a combat Check?
  • Action Deck: a pool of cards to be drawn from when making in-game decisions.
  • AP, Armor Points: a pool of points that reduce when taking a damage. All damage except psychic and poisoning is applied to AP before HP.
  • Discard Pile: a separate pile of cards that have already been used. The discard pile is only shuffled back into the Action Deck during a Rest.
  • Power: Boons or special abilities granted to a Dealer.
  • Role: General descriptor of a character role (e.g., Caster, Defender). Some Powers have Role prerequisites.
  • Attribute: Major skill domain, each with associated modifier adding to related Skills.
  • Bystander: Less powerful non-player character.
  • Check: A card-draw to determine an unknown outcome, defined by a Target Card and Difficulty Range window around that card.
  • Check, Contested: A Check wherein two character Skills are in conflict. The initiating character draws a TC and sets a DR of 4 minus the relevant modifier.
  • Companions: Side-kick or pet for a Dealer.
  • DC, Difficulty Range: How hard is it to do this thing during a check? Defined by window around the Target Card you draw to succeed on a check.
  • Dealer: Player character or powerful non-player character
  • Epic Event: Draw multiple cards to pass a series of checks usually resulting in collective success or failure.
  • Fate Cards: King/Aces cards held for redraws.
  • PP, Power Points: Limited resource used when
  • GM, Game Master: Narrator and curator of the story.
  • Hand, Upper/Lower: Draw N cards and report the result closest (Upper), or furthest (Lower) from the TC. If unspecified, draw 2.
  • HP, Health Points: pool of health from which damage can subtract, before getting Knocked Out.
  • KO, Knocked Out: Effect applied to a Dealer with no HP. Unconscious and on the brink of death.
  • Modifier: The number a player may add or subtract from a draw before reporting the value on a check.
  • Passive: A descriptor for Powers that are always in effect.
  • Player: Active participant in the story.
  • Rest: Break for the character during which the Player shuffles cards and replenishes resources. Quick Rests last 30 minutes; Full Rests last 8 hours.
  • Rest Cards: A limited pool of cards used to recover Health or Power Points during Quick Rests.
  • Skill: A skill within an Attribute, each with associated Modifier.
  • TC, Target Card: The card that sets the mid-point of the range for a Check.
  • The House: Audience observing the game, neither player nor GM.
  • Vulnerability: Weaknesses that inhibit a Dealer in some way, either combat- or roleplay-based.
  • XP, Experience Points: Resource for building a character awarded on leveling up.
  • Hidden: A property of a creature that is unseen or undetected.