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  • Description: Your character is driven by a need for violence.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. Given the choice between a peaceful or violent solution, you must choose combat.
  • XP: -1

Cowardly Ally

  • Description: Allies are great for many things, including blocking attacks.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. If you have movement remaining after attacking, you must try to position yourself so that an ally is between you and an enemy.
  • XP: -2

No Mercy

  • Description: An attacker has made their choice; that choice is to die.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. If you are attacked in combat, you must only use offensive Power attacks until your attacker is Knocked Out.
  • XP: -2


  • Description: You've taken an oath of nonviolence. To break this oath would have severe consequences.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. You may not knowingly inflict harm.
  • XP: -2


Chaotic Companion

  • Description: You and your companion do not always get along, sometimes they do not do exactly what you ask.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. When you draw a Suited Miss to command your companion, the DM gains control of the companion temporarily, with the duration at the DM's discretion (Minor/Major).
  • XP: -1 or -2
  • Prereq Power: Creature Connection



  • Description: a.k.a Vow, Code of Honor. You swore an oath to abide by a particular set of rules.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. Work with your GM to define the code you live by. This may be pacifism or always helping those in need.
  • XP: -1 or -2


  • Description: You mistakenly believe everything is about you, and even fail to understand any conversation topic that doesn't pertain to you.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. If you make a check to understand a topic or observe another creature, you must justify why your character thinks it's about themselves, or draw with the Lower Hand.
  • XP: -2
  • Prereq Skill: Intelligence and Intuition < +1

Eye for an Eye

  • Description: You are spiteful and cannot let an attacker get away.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. If you attack in combat, you must target the enemy who hit you most recently.
  • XP: -2

Frail Form

  • Description: Through age, birth, or accident, your body is different from others' and you find it hard to keep up.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. When you take this Vulnerability, your combat speed is reduced by two spaces. When making a check to traverse terrain, draw with the Lower Hand.
  • XP: -2


  • Description: Never having been trained, the printed word is a mystery to you. You can recognize the general shape, and return to the same street sign, but couldn't pronounce the word.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. You're unable to complete an action that requires understanding text. The skill prerequisite only applies at the time the Vulnerability is taken.
  • XP: -1
  • Prereq Skill: Intelligence < 1


  • Description: You can really only do one thing at a time. The rest of the world seems to fade away.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. Whenever you Draw to observe or react to something you weren't already aware of (e.g., Detection checks or Agility reactions), you draw with the Lower Hand.
  • XP: -1



  • Description: a.k.a Chosen One. Your people look to you as their salvation.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. Work with your GM to decide a group or organization that believes you are the key to their salvation. You may encounter a member of this group that requires your help.
  • XP: -1 or -2


  • Description: You have sworn to track down an enemy. Business or pleasure?
  • Mechanic: Vulny. Work with your GM to decide an NPC that has wronged you in the past.
  • XP: -1 or -2


  • Description: Your past will come back to haunt you.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. Work with your GM to decide an NPC or organization that thinks you are responsible for a crime. You may encounter a member of this group who wants you in jail, or stand trial, or outright dead.
  • XP: -1 or -2



  • Description: You can't shake it, there's just the terrifying fear that burdens you.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. Work with your GM to decide a fear you hold and the reason for that fear. This may be a fear of something concrete (e.g., spiders, fire) or something less tangible (e.g., being alone, going hungry).
  • XP: -1 or -2



  • Description: You were not born, but instead created. You are not a slave to the bodily needs of the rest, but may instead be called to a prescribed purpose.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. You do not need to breathe, eat or sleep (but still rest to recover Health/Power Points). Choose one of the following when you take this Vulnerability
    • Your creator or society at large consider you to have a function that you do not wish to pursue, such as a dangerous and laborious profession.
    • You require a rare form of fuel that is difficult to obtain and are rendered catatonic without regular access. Work with your GM to see what makes sense for your character in the setting.
  • XP: -2


  • Description: You're a stranger in a strange land. You may be unfamiliar with customs, somehow ostracized by the community, or even hunted based on group membership.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. For any Conviction check to interact with the dominant society, you draw with the Lower Hand. If chosen as Major, work with the GM to decide some feature of your background that makes you unwelcome in most public places.
  • XP: -1 or -2


Clumsy, Minor

  • Description: You're clumsier than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -1 AGL. Add -1 to AGL
  • XP: -1

Clumsy, Major

  • Description: You're clumsier than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -2 AGL. Add -2 to AGL
  • XP: -2

Dumb, Minor

  • Description: You're dumber than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -1 INT. Add -1 to INT
  • XP: -1

Dumb, Major

  • Description: You're dumber than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -2 INT. Add -2 to INT
  • XP: -2

Counterintuitive, Minor

  • Description: You're less intuitive than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -1 GUT. Add -1 to GUT
  • XP: -1

Counterintuitive, Major

  • Description: You're less intuitive than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -2 GUT. Add -2 to GUT
  • XP: -2

Frail, Minor

  • Description: You're frailer than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -1 VIT. Add -1 to VIT
  • XP: -1

Frail, Major

  • Description: You're frailer than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -2 VIT. Add -2 to VIT
  • XP: -2

Uncertain, Minor

  • Description: You're less certain than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -1 CON. Add -1 to CON
  • XP: -1

Uncertain, Major

  • Description: You're less certain than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -2 CON. Add -2 to CON
  • XP: -2

Weak, Minor

  • Description: You're weaker than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -1 STR. Add -1 to STR
  • XP: -1

Weak, Major

  • Description: You're weaker than most.
  • Mechanic: Vulny. On character creation, you start with -2 STR. Add -2 to STR
  • XP: -2